7 Signs a Spirit is Trying to Get Your Attention

Have you ever noticed the same three numbers popping up everywhere? Do you keep hearing the same song being played on the radio? Are you seeing deceased relatives in dreams? These could all be signs a spirit is trying to get your attention. 

Signs from the spiritual world are often subtle yet significant, guiding you through the realms beyond the tangible. Spiritual communication transcends the physical, offering a connection to the unseen world. Spirits, whether deceased loved ones, spirit guides, or other spiritual beings, seek to communicate with you through various means, bridging the gap between the material world and the spiritual world.

My Journey into Spiritual Communication

My understanding of spiritual communication began with a profound personal experience. When my grandmother passed away when I was younger, I witnessed her spirit transcend her physical form, which ignited a profound awareness of the spiritual realm within me.

My life was never the same! This experience laid the foundation for my understanding of the spiritual realm and spirit communication. I’ve since become well accustomed to the signs spirits use to connect with us. So what are some signs a spirit is trying to get your attention?

Signs a Spirit is Trying to Get Your Attention

7 Signs a Spirit is Trying to Get Your Attention

1. Dream Visitations

Dreams serve as a common avenue for spiritual communication, offering a realm where spirits can convey messages or appear as familiar figures. Signs through dreams may manifest as vivid encounters with departed loved ones or symbolic imagery laden with deeper meaning. For instance, perhaps you have dreamt of a late grandparent imparting words of guidance during a period of uncertainty, providing comfort and reassurance. It’s important to recognize that this dream is a visitation from your deceased loved one, and not just a normal every day dream. 

TIP: Start a dream journal or spiritual journal. Tracking your dreams is also a great way to enhance your psychic intuition. Check out my article How to Start a Spiritual Journal to get started.


2. Symbolism in Nature

Nature often serves as a canvas for spiritual symbolism, with spirits utilizing animals and natural phenomena to convey messages. Signs from spirit may manifest as encounters with animals like butterflies, ladybugs, or deer, each carrying symbolic significance. This doesn’t mean that a spirit has taken on the form of the animal, but that the spirit was able to manipulate its energy to push it into your path.  These encounters act as gentle reminders of the spiritual presence surrounding you, guiding you along your journey.

3. Auditory Signs

Auditory cues offer another avenue for spirits to communicate, with signs such as hearing your name or experiencing unexplained sounds. If this has been happening to you, then a spirit is trying to get your attention. Distinguishing genuine auditory signs from mundane noises is crucial in discerning spiritual communication.  If you hear your name being called, that is a sign that your Spirit Guide is with you and is encouraging you to stay on the path that you’re on. 

Signs a Spirit is Trying to Get Your Attention

4. Numerical Messages, also known as β€˜Angel Numbers’

Sequential number patterns, such as 111, 222, or 333, are signs a spirit is trying to get your attention. Numerical patterns hold profound significance in spiritual communication, serving as conduits for messages from the spiritual realm. These numerical messages may appear repeatedly in daily life, urging you to pay attention to the subtle guidance offered by the universe. It’s best to use your intuition to determine what Spirit is trying to tell you with these sequential numbers. 

Recommended: How Do I Know My Intuition is Right? A Guide to Developing Your Psychic Abilities

5. Electrical Disturbances

Spirits possess the ability to manipulate energy, often manifesting as electrical disturbances such as lights flickering or electronic devices malfunctioning. Signs a spirit is trying to get your attention through electrical disturbances serve as tangible reminders of the interconnectedness between the physical and spiritual realms. These occurrences are not meant to make you afraid like when they are portrayed in a movie.  They should be seen as a prompt to acknowledge the presence of spirits and the messages they are trying to convey.  

6. Synchronicities in Daily Life

Synchronicities abound in daily life, serving as orchestrated events by spirits to communicate with you. The term synchronicity was first introduced by analytical psychologist Carl G. Jung to describe circumstances that appear to be meaningfully connected, unlike a coincidence.  Synchronicities can manifest as meaningful songs on the radio or stumbling upon coins with significant years. Embracing these synchronicities invites you to embrace the interconnectedness of all things and the guidance offered by your spiritual realm.

Signs a Spirit is Trying to Get Your Attention

7. You Feel it Within …Trusting Your Intuition

Trusting your intuition is paramount in interpreting signs from spirits, as it serves as a gateway to deeper understanding and connection. Doubting these signs, and doubting yourself, will only weaken your abilities. Developing your intuition and validating spiritual experiences requires cultivating trust in your inner wisdom and embracing the authenticity of your spiritual journey.  You have a whole team of spirit guides in the spirit world who believe in you.  It’s time to start believing in yourself!

(Pssst … looking to take your intuition to the next level? Check out my course β€˜Develop Your Psychic Intution’ course to fully embrace and implement your psychic intuition into your life)

How to Receive and Interpret Signs

Here are some effective methods for receiving and interpreting spiritual signs:

  • Ask for clarification through a second sign.

  • Try Journaling about the sign for clarification and deeper understanding. The message behind the sign may become clear once you start processing it through the power of writing.

  • Take time to quiet your mind and reflect on the signs or messages you've received. When did they appear? What had you been thinking about before the message showed up? 

  • Engage in meditation to connect with your inner wisdom and intuition.

  • Trust your gut feelings and intuition when interpreting signs; your inner knowing can often provide valuable insights.

Recommended: How Does Intuition Work?

3 Tips for Spiritual Communication

Signs a spirit is trying to get your attention are always present, interwoven into the tapestry of your life to provide guidance, comfort, and reassurance. However, it's crucial to keep in mind the following:

  1. Stay open: Avoid closing yourself off from receiving signs.

  2. Show respect: Understand that not all signs may match your expectations, but refrain from expressing frustrations towards the spirits. Remember, every sign is intended for your benefit.

  3. Be authentic: Drop the old-fashioned language and unnecessary complexities when communicating with spirits. Simply be yourself; after all, that's who the spirits are trying to connect with.

Feel free to share your own experiences with spiritual communication or seek further guidance on your spiritual journey by sending me a DM on Instagram over at @brandivanmedium - I’m here to help you navigate the realms beyond the tangible with openness and curiosity.  

Brandi Van

P.S. Looking for more than signs? Ready to jump-start your psychic intuition? If so, check out my Develop Your Psychic Intuition program. 


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