How to Cleanse, Charge and Program Crystals for Psychic Readings

Crystals can hold a special place in a psychic’s toolkit, for both client work and for your own spiritual rituals. I often recommend crystals to my psychic mentees because they hold individual energies that are infused with specific meanings, making them versatile tools for various intentions, especially for grounding. There's one suited for virtually any energy you seek to manifest in your life. Whether you integrate crystals into your psychic development practice is a personal choice, but if you opt to do so, understanding how to cleanse, charge, and program crystals effectively is crucial for optimal results.

Before delving into the techniques of how to cleanse, charge, and program crystals for use as a psychic or for psychic readings, let's first explore why people use crystals. Are they really magical? Can they actually heal people? Let’s look at some of the incredible benefits of using these stones.

How to cleanse, charge and program crystals for psychic readings

Why Do People Use Crystals? 

For Energy Healing

Crystals hold distinctive energies and vibrations that can play a vital role in harmonizing and revitalizing the body's energy systems. These gemstones are integral to practices like crystal healing because they’re renowned for their ability to enhance physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Here are a few examples of crystals and their healing properties:

  • Rose Quartz facilitates the purification and opening of the heart on all levels, fostering love, self-love, friendship, profound inner healing, and a sense of peace.

  • Tiger’s Eye is ideal for moments of lethargy or lack of motivation. The energy within the golden-brown stone revitalizes motivation while boosting metabolism and replenishing energy levels.

  • Citrine invigorates every aspect of life, cleansing the chakras and enhancing intuition. This radiant gemstone attracts abundance, prosperity, and success while infusing life with joy, wonder, delight, and enthusiasm.

  • Amethyst acts as a natural tranquilizer, effectively alleviating stress and strain. Its calming properties soothe irritability, restore balance during mood swings, and dispel negative emotions such as anger, rage, fear, and anxiety. This gemstone's serene energy creates a harmonious environment conducive to inner peace and emotional stability.

For Spiritual Growth

Crystals enhance spiritual development and boost connectivity to higher planes of existence. They play a pivotal role in meditation, nurturing intuition, and accessing profound spiritual insights. Specific crystals, such as selenite, possess the unique ability to intensify spiritual energies and foster communication with divine realms, further enriching one's spiritual journey.

To Reduce Stress

With their calming and soothing effects, crystals are effective tools for reducing stress, helping you feel relaxed and at ease and creating a tranquil atmosphere. Holding or meditating with crystals like blue lace agate or sodalite can alleviate anxiety and promote inner peace.

To Strengthen Intuition

Certain crystals can enhance intuition, psychic abilities, and mental clarity, aiding in accessing higher wisdom and expanding consciousness. Crystals like amethyst or lapis lazuli are renowned for enhancing spiritual insight and promoting clarity of thought.

(Pssst … looking to take your intuition to the next level? Check out my course β€˜Develop Your Psychic Intuition’ to fully embrace and implement your psychic intuition into your life)

To Amplify Manifestations

Crystals are widely embraced in psychic readings for their unique ability to amplify intentions and energies. They act as conduits, harnessing and magnifying the vibrational frequencies of our desires. By aligning with the energetic properties of specific crystals, psychics and practitioners can enhance their manifestation endeavors, infusing them with clarity, focus, and intention.

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To Support Client Sessions for Psychics and Practitioners

Crystals act as transmitters for energy, facilitating clearer communication channels and deeper insights into the client's energetic field. They help to amplify the intuitive abilities of the practitioner, allowing for a more profound understanding of the client's spiritual needs, emotional patterns, and life circumstances. 

Additionally, crystals can create a sacred and harmonious space conducive to spiritual exploration and healing, promoting a sense of calm and receptivity in both the practitioner and the client.

How to Cleanse, Charge and Program Crystals for Psychic Readings

As easy as it might seem to just grab your crystals the next time you’re about to see a client for a psychic reading, it's important to make sure that your crystals are cleansed, charged and programmed, so that you can get the best results for you and your client.

When First Purchasing a Crystal 

Upon acquiring your crystal, it's advisable to cleanse it to rid it of any accumulated energy. Subsequently, regular clearing of your crystals, ideally every month or whenever someone other than yourself handles them, is recommended. It's crucial to note that certain crystals, like selenite, are incompatible with water, so it's essential to ascertain their cleansing requirements upon purchase.

Cleansing Crystals

To begin your crystal manifestation journey, it's crucial to cleanse your crystals to remove any lingering energies and reset them to their natural state.

There are various methods for cleansing crystals, including:

  • Leaving them in a bowl of distilled water for 24 hours, however, as I mentioned earlier, not all crystals can go in water, so make sure to check when you purchase the crystals

  • Laying them in brown rice for 24 hours

  • Leaving them to lie in either moonlight or natural sunlight, for at least 8 hours

  • Smudging them with sage for at least 30 seconds

  • Leaving them to listen to particular sounds, such as tranquil music or subliminals for 5 minutes

  • Lay them on a Selenite crystal overnight for at least 8 hours 

Choose a method that resonates with you and your intentions, ensuring you create a sacred space for the cleansing process.

Charging Crystals

Charging your crystals infuses them with renewed energy and amplifies their ability to manifest your intentions.

There are several techniques for charging crystals, including: 

  • Placing them under the full moon or sun light, either outside or on a windowsill, for at least 30 minutes

  • Soaking them in moon water for a few hours; this is water that has been left out in the full moon, but again, not all crystals can go in water, so make sure to check when you purchase the crystals

  • Connecting them to your spirit guides through meditation

  • Burning incense, a candle, or herbs over them for at least 1 minute

  • Immersing them in sea salt or pink Himalayan for at least 1 hour and up to 8 hours. Some crystals should not be immersed in salt so be sure to find that out when you purchase them. 

Again, select the method that aligns with your intentions and intuition, allowing the crystals to absorb the energy needed to support your manifestation goals, and always do this in a safe and sacred space. 

Programming Crystals

Programming crystals involves setting clear intentions for their use in your psychic readings. The best time to program your crystal is to do it right after you just cleansed and charged it. 

How to Program Your Crystals:

  1. Begin by getting clear on your intention.

  2. Infuse your crystal with your intention by holding it in your left hand (your receiving hand), closing your eyes, taking a deep breath, focusing, and speaking your intention aloud. I like to say, β€œI dedicate this crystal to the highest good. I ask that it be used in love and light.”

  3. Hold the vision of your intention (for example: protection from negativity, reduce stress, focused mind.) Visualize and feel what it would be like to experience your intention while still holding it in your left hand.

Bonus Tip: For an enhanced connection with your crystals, consider wearing them for seven consecutive days.

Working with Crystals: How to Use Crystals in a Client Session

By integrating crystals into your client sessions, you can enhance the efficacy and depth of your psychic readings, all while fostering a safe and sacred environment that encourages the opening of channels for intuitive insights. Here are my best practices for doing so:

  1. Begin by intuitively selecting crystals that resonate with the client's energy and intention for the session. If you don’t own a lot of crystals you can also buy a book on crystals and use your intuition to feel which page their crystal is on and use the picture of the crystal.  

  2. Do a grounding meditation and ground yourself and your client to their specific crystal.

  3. Place the crystals strategically around the space or on the client's body, aligning with the chakras, or energy centers, to promote balance and alignment. If the session is an online session (meaning not in person) then have the crystals surrounding you. Alternatively, ask the client to bring their own crystals.  

  4. During the psychic reading, encourage the client to hold a crystal that intuitively draws them in, fostering a deeper connection to their inner wisdom and spiritual guidance.

  5. As the session progresses, remain attuned to the subtle shifts in energy facilitated by the crystals, allowing them to amplify the intuitive insights.

  6. After the session, if in-person, offer the client the opportunity to take home a crystal as a tangible reminder of the transformative energy experienced during their session, empowering them to continue their journey. Be sure to instruct them how to cleanse, charge, and program their new crystal.

  7. Encourage the client to use the crystal.  They can do this by either wearing it, keeping it in their purse or pocket, or sleeping with it under their pillow.

Safety Considerations for Cleansing, Charging and Programming Crystals for Psychic Readings

Throughout the process of cleansing, charging, and programming crystals, it's essential to create a sacred and safe space. Set your intentions clearly, and ensure you're in a peaceful environment free from distractions. Trust your intuition and proceed with mindfulness and reverence for the energy exchange taking place.

How to cleanse, charge and program crystals for psychic readings

Using Crystals for the First Time? Here are the Best Ways to use Crystals

Much of how you utilize crystals boils down to personal preference. Feel free to incorporate them into your routine as you see fit, but here are some suggestions:

  • Hold them for support or reassurance.

  • Integrate them into your meditation practice.

  • Carry them in your wallet or purse to keep them with you.

  • Tuck them into the underside of your pillowcase.

  • Wear them as jewellery.

  • Position them near windows or plants to absorb natural healing energy.

  • Arrange them around your home in alignment with your intentions.

Mastering how to cleanse, charge, and program crystals for psychic readings is a transformative practice that empowers you to not only manifest your own desires with clarity, but incorporate these techniques into your client work and leave a lasting impression on new clients of your psychic readings. 

For further guidance on your spiritual journey and working with crystals for psychic readings, feel free to reach out for support. You can connect with me on Instagram via @brandivanmedium, where I'm available to assist you in navigating the realms beyond the tangible with openness and curiosity.

Brandi Van

P.S. Ready to jump-start your psychic intuition? If so, check out my Develop Your Psychic Intuition program. 


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