If ANYONE can Develop Psychic Intuition and Psychic Abilities, why is there so much doubt around it?

Strengthening psychic intuition and developing psychic abilities in our society is unfortunately seen as a taboo subject.

Some people think it’s just a bunch of β€œwoo woo,” some think that it’s made up, and others think it means someone is just plain crazy if they think they are a psychic.

For many, the idea of developing these powers is firmly out of reach.

But why is that?

What factors contribute to the belief that one cannot develop their intuition and psychic ability?

We are all born with our 5 physical senses of touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight.

But we are also all born with a sixth sense. Our intuition.

If we’re all born with this innate sixth sense, this inner guidance, why is it so hard for people to believe they can develop and strengthen intuition?

Let's explore some of the reasons that have been shaped by our society for this common misconception:

  1. Skepticism and Scientific Perspectives

    Some individuals adhere strictly to scientific principles and may dismiss intuition and psychic abilities due to a lack of evidence supporting them.

    We’re taught our entire lives that something is only true if it has evidence, proof, and science to back it up. So it’s very hard for our minds to release this limiting belief, and to believe in something that doesn’t have facts or evidence attached to it.

  2. Personal Beliefs and Experiences

    Past experiences and personal beliefs also play a significant role.

    If someone has never encountered psychic phenomena firsthand, they may doubt its existence.

    However, someone may not know what psychic phenomena is. So perhaps they have encountered it but they didn’t realize they did.

  3. Social Stigma

    Fear of judgment and ridicule can deter individuals from acknowledging or developing their intuitive and psychic potential.

    If we don’t have anyone in our life that is supportive of our beliefs, and if we lack a like-minded community, we will only have people surrounding us that will judge and ridicule us. This makes it much harder to enter the psychic realm if we lack a support system.

    Having a mentor can provide us with not only our psychic development journey but by also providing us with the like-minded community we’ve been searching for.

  4. Lack of Understanding

    Limited exposure to information about intuition and psychic gifts can contribute to someone’s skepticism.

5. Lack of Personal Interest

Not everyone is intrigued by psychic phenomena, leading them to believe it's not worth pursuing.

6. Cultural and Religious Beliefs

Cultural and religious norms can shape beliefs about psychic phenomena, with some cultures or religions discouraging exploration of such concepts.

More about this topic can be found here: https://www.brandivan.com/blog/how-spirituality-differs-from-religion

7. Fear of the Unknown

Psychic abilities often challenge conventional understanding, leading to apprehension about exploring the unknown.

More about this topic can be found here:


In summary

When we have all of the above preconceived notions thrown at us for our entire lives, it’s no surprise that we are full of self-doubt and second guessing ourselves when we try to develop our gifts.

While skepticism is healthy, remaining open to new possibilities can lead to profound discoveries about the nature of consciousness and of great human potential.

Open-minded exploration and respectful dialogue can help challenge preconceived notions and foster a deeper understanding of psychic phenomena.

If you’re wondering if you’ll be able to develop your intuition and your sixth sense, you absolutely can. And you’ll also be able to develop psychic intuition.

Psychic Development is just like developing any other skill.

If you find it fascinating and it’s something you want to pursue, you can absolutely develop it with an open mind and by releasing the above preconceived notions.

Ready to learn how to d? If so, check out my Developing Psychic Intuition: Embrace your Intuitive Insight Mentorship Program


7 Signs a Spirit is Trying to Get Your Attention


Overcoming your Fear of the Unknown, in Regards to Intuition Development and Psychic Abilities