Developing Psychic Intuition

Online Mentorship Program

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You’re here because…

  • You’re a Highly Sensitive Person who’s sensitive to energy

  • You aren’t sure how to start developing psychic intuition

  • You want to learn how to develop and strengthen your intuition and your 6th sense

  • You want to learn how to connect with your Spirit Guide and your Higher Self

  • You know you’re an empath and need to learn how to protect and restore your energy

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Let me guess….

  • You’re receiving messages from Spirit or from your intuition and you’re having a hard time building self-trust to TRUST the messages you’re receiving

  • You’re confused because there are so many classes, books, and information out there on psychic abilities and psychic intuition that it’s impossible to know how to get started

  • You want to help others with your psychic intuition but until you know how to use your gift, you aren’t sure how you can help others

  • You’re going through a Spiritual awakening

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I want you to know I hear you and I understand how you’re feeling 100%. I’ve been there, and you are not alone.  

I’ve had clients come to me after they spent years of doubting and suppressing their gifts, reading books, taking classes, listening to podcasts, but they still weren’t able to hone in on their psychic skills. 

Since we all have these unique gifts but aren’t sure where to get started to learn about them, we all need mentorship. That is truly the best option to accelerate a psychic journey. There’s a surplus of information out there so it’s best to focus on your specific abilities with a mentor who can lead the way, instead of taking years to figure out where to even start on your journey.

And you aren’t sure if you want to dive into an extensive mentorship program, you can get a small taste of what it would be like to develop your psychic abilities with my Intro to Psychic Intuition Development Self-Study Course.

Developing psychic intuition really needs to be experienced, not thought about or theorized. 

The words psychic and intuition are interchangeable. They mean the same thing.

Being intuitive is the first step in developing your psychic gifts.

Our intuition is our sixth sense, our gut feeling, which is our psychic sense. And we are all born with it and anyone can develop it.

You could try to develop your psychic intuition on your own, but believe me it’s not easy.

I know when I first started out, there was so much information out there that it was really frustrating to figure out where I should even start.

I went through several years of reading books and taking one-off classes that over promised and under delivered just to realize I only had some pieces of the puzzle but I didn’t have ALL of the puzzle pieces. This made it impossible for me to develop my psychic gifts because I didn’t have all of the information that I needed.

With the self-study courses I was taking, there was no one to guide me or ask questions when I had them. And I was spending a lot of time and money but not getting anywhere.

It wasn’t until I found a mentor that my psychic gifts accelerated and started to thrive.

So that’s now my life’s mission-To help other people develop their psychic gifts and have someone by their side, step by step, as a partner, as they go through their journey.

If you decide to work with me, know that you’re never alone in this.

I’ve got your back.

And I know what it’s like to doubt your experiences and to not trust yourself.

That’s why I’m here.

It’s my mission to eliminate your self-doubt.

There are mentors and coaches for just about everything in life. I’m dumbfounded that there are hardly any psychic medium mentors out there.

Just like with any skill, it’s an ability that can absolutely be developed if you’re interested in it.

I’m glad you found my website today.

I truly believe you are here for a reason.

β€œI joined Brandi’s Mentorship program and the thing I found most valuable with Brandi was her inspiration. Brandi has opened a whole new world for me. There is so much to say about what I have learned and what kind of changes have happened to me by completing her program. I couldn't have done it without Brandi’s guidance. If you are thinking of joining her program, the investment in yourself is well worth it. Brandi makes it fun to learn and she is there for you every step of the way. I never would have been able to start healing people without Brandi leading the way.”


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How would you feel if…

  • You could stop second guessing yourself and trust in the messages you’re receiving from your Intuition and from Spirit

  • You were able to open your heart to your higher consciousness

  • You were able to connect with your Spirit Guides to make the best decisions for yourself and those you care about 

  • You found your higher purpose and found out how you can make a difference in the world by helping others with your psychic gifts

  • You were able to fully embrace and implement your psychic intuition into your life

So, if you’re tired of thinking and you’re ready to act, the questions you have are…

How DO I figure out how to develop psychic intuition for my highest good?

How DO I listen to my inner guidance so I can live a smoother, easy-flowing existence that’s full of continuous personal healing and growth?

You’ve come to the right place!

I am so excited to get you started in my
Developing Psychic Intuition Mentorship Program! 

β€œFrom our first call together, I felt excited to work with Brandi and that she had the enthusiasm, dedication and knowledge to help me develop my intuition. I went through many years of reading books and listening to podcasts on intuition and psychic development but felt frustrated that I couldn’t progress, and doubted my abilities and trust in myself.

This program is a comprehensive way to explore your gifts with tons of exercises and plenty of helpful support and guidance. Brandi encouraged me to keep practicing and I also learned a lot from her responses to others in the program on the biweekly calls.

I have a better understanding of how to manage my energy as an empath and trust in my connection to Spirit, which is such a blessing.

The feeling I now have that Spirit is with me all the time makes me feel less alone and I am working on trusting any messages I receive. I recommend her to anyone who is on the spiritual path and looking for support which can be hard to find, especially from someone as gifted and kind as Brandi!

I’m so grateful to her and this truly is a β€œjump start” as I will be able to use these tools and continue to grow throughout my lifetime!”

-Aileen M.

This program is for you if you…

  • Want to trust your intuition wholeheartedly

  • Are ready to trust in the messages you’re receiving from Spirit so you can deliver them with clarity and confidence

  • You want to discover your Higher Purpose to have a profound sense of meaning and fulfillment in your life

  • Want to manifest your deepest desires and goals through a connection with Universal energy

  • Are looking for the potential to create income doing something you love while helping others

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If you are…

  • Ready to go on a journey of healing yourself and others

  • Ready to see the bigger picture of how you’re connected with the universe

  • Ready to learn how to discover your psychic ability in a safe and wise way

  • Ready to let go of your fears

  • Ready to get the support and encouragement you need to start believing in yourself and your gifts…

    Then I’d love for you to join my Developing Psychic Intuition Mentorship Program!

If any of the above statements resonate with you, I would love to be an encouraging, like-minded, and supportive mentor for you!

I don’t believe in coincidences.  I believe we’ve come across each other’s paths for a reason. I can help you on your journey of Spiritual Growth and Psychic Ability Development. You don’t need to do this alone. If you decide to work with me, I’ll be there with you every step of the way.  

Here are some of the things we’ll achieve together in the group mentorship program:

  • Journaling for Spiritual growth and a journey of personal development through shadow work.

  • How to ground yourself Spiritually and how to protect your energy as an empath.

  • How to cultivate gratitude and raise your vibration fast.

  • How to develop your intuition and your sixth sense.

  • Chakra energy healing and the β€˜clair’ senses.

  • How to cleanse and program crystals for psychic development and how to start communicating with Spirit Guides.

  • Interpretation of dreams

  • How to generate income with your psychic gifts.

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What all is included?

  • An efficient, results-proven 90-day mentorship program

  • A proven roadmap of developing your psychic abilities-I will coach you on how to keep your mindset calm, keep any fears you have at bay, and release any doubt you may be having

  • Access to me through email and Telegram any time M-F

  • Lifetime access to the content and literature

  • Bi-weekly live Q and A calls over Zoom with a group of like-minded individuals who are also in the mentorship program

  • I will provide you with customizable guidance for you to discover and utilize your psychic senses as a practical tool to navigate the best decisions for yourself and others. You’ll receive intrinsic value and support from your guided journey so you can start using and trusting your gifts.  

  • 75 exercises within 6 modules of learning in the group mentorship program

  • Time commitment: Just 10-30 minutes per day

  • PLUS customized exercises, resources, and tools that you’ll be able to use forever to keep you on your path, including:

    • Aura reading exercises

    • Develop your intuition and your 6th sense

    • Practice and strengthen clairvoyance

    • Connect with your Spirit Guide

    • Exercises for calming anxiety

    • Reserve your own energy by pulling in cosmic energy

    • Raise your vibration for optimal connection

    • Set boundaries for Spirit communication

    • Once you complete the program, you then have the option to join the monthly membership of the group Psychic Intuition Advancement Practice Circle to practice your newfound amazing gift!

Once you’ve completed the program, you’ll….

  • Trust your psychic intuition wholeheartedly and know how to use it to help yourself and others for your Higher Purpose.

  • Trust in the messages you’re receiving from your Higher Self and Spirit Guides to receive their love, support, and guidance in your life.

  • Know how to protect your energy and take care of yourself as an empath.

  • Know how to interpret your dreams for Spirit communication.

  • Know how to contact Spirits on-demand so that you can do a reading for someone.

  • Be able to create income for yourself by starting a psychic business.

  • Live your truest and most authentic life as a light worker.

 β€œI worked with several coaches and mentors over the years trying to open my throat chakra so I could speak my truth. While I still have work to do, Brandi is the first mentor to help me break through the barrier so that I can hear my heart and feel my intuition. I am finding confidence as I use the tools she shared to get to know my authentic self.  She also taught me how to make and trust connections with powerful spirit guides that are helping me along the way. Brandi introduced me to so many practices that I feel like I have a huge toolbox to choose from as I continue my spiritual journey.

Brandi is an amazing medium and eagerly shares her gifts and skills with love. I recommend her Jump Start Program to those who are ready to commit to walking this path. With her help, I accomplished everything I set out to do.”

Thank you, Brandi!

-Karen M.

My name is Brandi Van and I’m a Psychic Medium Mentor.

I offer the Developing Psychic Intuition Online Mentorship Program.  

What exactly do I do as a Psychic Medium Mentor? 

I help highly sensitive people, like you, who are struggling with self-doubt and uncertainty about your psychic intuition to trust it wholeheartedly.  

I guide you to trust in the messages you’re receiving from Spirit to deliver their messages with clarity and confidence so that you can eliminate any doubt you’re having from their messages, and receive clear insights into your life. 

I also teach you to connect with Universal Energy, all while being supported by a like-minded and supportive community.  

Here's what that can look like for you in your life: 

* You’ll cultivate a lifestyle that minimizes stress and enhances personal growth 

* You'll better discover your Higher Purpose 

* You'll be more likely to live your BEST LIFE while helping and healing others while doing something that you love  

When we trust ourselves more--we find more expansion in our lives.  

That can look like being more successful in our work, having deeper relationships and even the potential to generate income.   

Embracing your psychic intuition will raise your vibration and open more doors to opportunities in your life. 

In this state of abundance, you’ll make more decisions confidently-- which will put an end to self-doubt. You’ll stop second guessing yourself by having a deeper understanding of your own thoughts, emotions, and motivations, become attuned to your inner self, and have comfort and guidance in uncertain situations.

I know developing psychic intuition can be overwhelming because there’s so many options out there about where to start the journey.  

There’s books and one-off classes that over promise and under deliver-- which leads to you to feeling more frustrated--and thus, not living up to your full potential.  

I’ve been there.  

That's why I created a structured, safe, and wise path to develop psychic intuition. 

You can use your psychic intuition for your own personal development, to help and heal your close friends and family, or to make a full-time career or side hustle with them.  

All it takes is 10-30 minutes a day to accelerate your learning!

You don’t need to feel lost or alone anymore.  I’ve got you. 

About your Coach 

Hello you beautiful soul!

My name is Brandi and I am a Psychic Medium Mentor who helps highly sensitive people discover their unique psychic gifts so they can experience an abundance of peace and find their Higher Purpose to help and heal others.

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Here’s my story…

Hearing and seeing Spirits at a young age can be very frightening. I was definitely afraid on many occasions.  The more visions I was saw and the more messages I heard made me feel like perhaps I was crazy.  And I kept this secret to myself because I was scared other people would think I was crazy too.  I didn’t think there was anyone out there who would understand what I was going through.  

During my teenage years, I decided I couldn’t live like that anymore and that I needed to take control of my gifts.  It was making me feel physically ill knowing there was β€œsomething” controlling my mind and my experiences.  I decided I had to make a change.

I decided it was time to find out what was going on in my mind and how it connected to something bigger than myself in this world.  What I found in my search was an amazing, uplifting and beautiful journey that led me to heal myself and others and find my Higher Purpose on this earth.

 I now understand my gifts and I accept myself for who I am. And I am SO MUCH HAPPIER.  I am a confident, self-trusting medium and I’m so excited that I’m able to lead other light workers like you to find and use your personal gifts.

I am so glad I went on my own journey so that I can now help others discover and understand their psychic gifts.  I would not be where I am today without my mentor. She accelerated my process by years!

I had been reading a ton of books to try to develop my psychic gift but reading books does not develop your psychic gifts. They only give you a few exercises to do which is like only having a few pieces of the puzzle and you need the whole puzzle!

By working with my mentor on what exercises I needed to work out my β€œpsychic muscle,” I am not stuck with my gifts anymore and I use them every day as a navigational tool in my life. And I can’t wait to share my proven roadmap with you!

In my program, I’ll teach you how meditation, grounding, and taking control of your psychic senses can enrich you with positivity, mindfulness, and ease.  I am confident I can help you on this absolutely amazing path.  It’s a whole new powerful way to live, and it’s a great power to have.  

After the program is over, I also offer a bi-weekly practice circle to advance your psychic development. I don’t know where I’d be today without the circle I was able to practice on. Just like with any new skill, you need to practice to gain self-trust and confidence.

And because it’s a practice circle, the sitters know you are practicing so it’s a safe space with a like-minded community and takes the pressure of yourself.

If I was able to make this change when I felt I was going to be stuck forever, you will absolutely be able to transform yourself if you’re feeling this way too.  I am so excited to get you started on your journey of living in this peaceful, helpful, healing way!