How Spirituality Differs from Religion

Some people are unaware that religion and spirituality are two different types of thought. A person can be religious and be spiritual, or they can be religious and not be spiritual, or they can be spiritual and not be religious. 

Religion refers to a specific set of organized beliefs and practices, usually shared by a community or group, who have faith/believe in, and worship, a personal God. Religion can be a source of comfort and guidance and a basis for moral beliefs and behaviors. There are many different religions in many different cultures, and there are similarities and differences in all of them.

All religions have spiritual practices. These practices help to connect people with each other.  Religions are also about consciousness, and are founded on the possibility that consciousness transcends the human level, and is more extensive than just an activity going on in the brain.

Spirituality is an individual’s practice (not a belief) to discover one’s meaningful purpose and progression in life, and to search for and find a sense of peace, which will ultimately lead to self-fulfillment.

Spirituality also encompasses relationships and connections with others; with other humans, with oneself, and with the divine universe. It’s about going on a path of self discovery, growth, and personal development.


What is the main goal of spirituality?

The main goal of spirituality is to lead you to a higher purpose that's much bigger than yourself, and to give you the faith for self-growth and personal development.  It leads you on an inward journey to have a more fulfilling and meaningful life, an awareness of your soul, and a personal connection with the divine universe.


What are some benefits to adding spirituality to your life?

In addition to providing meaning to your life, spirituality has the potential to improve your physical, mental, and emotional well-being and intelligence, which can help you overcome stressful situations, relieve you from depending on material things, and help you cope with change or uncertainty.

The result can often be the same

Spirituality and religion are both about seeking a meaningful connection with something bigger than yourself, which can result in positive emotions such as peace, contentment, gratitude, and acceptance.   

People who are spiritual or religious lead a life of a higher purpose. They try not to judge, criticize, or degrade others. They tend to think more positive, even in the face of struggles and challenges.

Their highest goal is to be loving to oneself and to others. They practice self-love, self-acceptance and cultivate gratitude.  

They also hold a strong personal value system, have positive relationships, and have a high self-esteem. They are truly optimistic, and their lives are filled with hope, faith, and courage.

They embrace honesty, patience, and humility.  Their tendency is toward brotherly-love and service to others. And they practice integrity and self-discipline. 

As you can see, because religion and Spirituality are two different types of thoughts, it is not against someone’s religion to develop their psychic intuition, psychic gifts, or to go on a path of Spirituality.

Ready to jump-start your psychic abilities? If so, check out my Developing Psychic Intuition: Embrace your Intuitive Insight Mentorship Program



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